Payment Types
Missing payments image
Please select the type of payment that you wish to make. You can add multiple payments if required by repeating this process prior to submitting them for processing

NOTE:Payments can be made by user MasterCard or Visa and all payment types will incur a Merchant Service Fee (MSF) of 0.5%
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<b>Notice</b>:  Undefined variable: alt_tag in <b>/home/ccl606/public_html/index.html</b> on line <b>240</b><br />
Rate Payments
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Rate PaymentsTo make a payment you will need your Customer Reference Number which can be found at the top of your rate notice or instalment notice.
Debtors Invoice Payment
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
Application Payment
 Payment TypeDescription/Instructions
ApplicationSelect this option if you are payment for Development or Certification related fees.